Posterulthardenor kopie

Sterfput presents:

ULTHAR (US, Black/​Death Metal

ft. mem­bers of Spirit Posssesion, Black Curse, Vale
is an unholy trio hail­ing from Oakland, California. The band con­sists of Steve Peacock (Spirit Possession , Black Curse), Shelby Lermo (Vastum) and Justin Ennis (Vale).”

SUCCUMB (US, Death Metal/​War Metal)

ft. mem­bers of Bosse-De-Nage, Slough Feg
San Francisco’s Succumb plumb the depths of mod­ern death met­al with prim­i­tive ele­gance, but what sets them apart from their peers is vocal­ist Cheri Musrasrik. The jux­ta­po­si­tion of death met­al riff­ing and propul­sive drums with Musrasrik’s cav­ernous howl and sophis­ti­cat­ed lyrics make for a unique lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence in today’s crowd­ed land­scape.“


De Nor, Middelheimlaan 59, 2020 Antwerp

Info: peterdaems1972@​gmail.​com

Flyer: Arno Van Putte

05.08.2024, 20:00

Sterfput presents: Ulthar / Succumb / DJ Easy

Sterfput presents:

ULTHAR (US, Black/​Death Metal

ft. mem­bers of Spirit Posssesion, Black Curse, Vale
is an unholy trio hail­ing from Oakland, California. The band con­sists of Steve Peacock (Spirit Possession , Black Curse), Shelby Lermo (Vastum) and Justin Ennis (Vale).”

SUCCUMB (US, Death Metal/​War Metal)

ft. mem­bers of Bosse-De-Nage, Slough Feg
San Francisco’s Succumb plumb the depths of mod­ern death met­al with prim­i­tive ele­gance, but what sets them apart from their peers is vocal­ist Cheri Musrasrik. The jux­ta­po­si­tion of death met­al riff­ing and propul­sive drums with Musrasrik’s cav­ernous howl and sophis­ti­cat­ed lyrics make for a unique lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence in today’s crowd­ed land­scape.“


De Nor, Middelheimlaan 59, 2020 Antwerp

Info: peterdaems1972@​gmail.​com

Flyer: Arno Van Putte